Direct search for artists, songs, compilations, music genres, and radio stations with intelligent suggestions.Search sources can be expanded with community plug-ins.Optionally finds karaoke videos (without vocal track, but with lyrics shown).

Optimizes the music selection by song or music video.Automatically determines the best version, offers alternate versions simply by clicking.For music videos, optionally save the audio track or various video formats.Structures and combines search results and shows this in the discography of the artist.Monitors all > 100,000 radio stations in the world, finds all songs using clips.Instant display and availability of all finished recordings.Processing of any number of downloads in parallel.Recording: Makes players such as Spotify playback twice at 5x the speed, thus reaching 10x the speed.Downloading: Super fast, as only the audio track is loaded.Loss-free recording or direct download for optimum quality, depending on the source.Downloading: Automatic selection of the best audio track.Recording: Support for optimal recording level, including level meter, dialog instructions, auto-detection and much more.Recording: Exact clipping at start and end of song, no post-processing required.Highest quality of all recordings and downloads Records locally installed software or web-player.Support for recording via sound card and downloading.Fingerprint-based song recognition allows recording of any source.Highly optimized for Spotify, Deezer, Napster, Tidal, YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Veoh, Soundcloud, and many others.Record music streaming in individual music pieces If a streaming service is not preconfigured as a tile in the Music Streaming view, you will be able to record it by clicking the Other Source button. Thanks to the fingerprint-based song recognition, Audials can save songs from almost any source as separate files. It does not matter whether you record form a web player or a PC software. Audials can scan and record music from Spotify, Soundcloud, Deezer, Amazon, Apple Music, Napster, video sharing websites and many other online sources.